Written on 4:05 PM by LissMee
If you look up the Definition of Technology, you will no doubt get some corporate driven "Webster/Technology" pushing version of what "The Man/Technology" wants you to think Technology is.
Here is mine,
Technology: The very thing that is working at an alarming pace to make you, the reader, obsolete, all the while filling your brain and borrowed computers with ways to keep you distracted whilst simultaneously making you feel like you are actually "keeping up" with the very technology that is using you like the Yellow Pages (Remember the commercials... "the one that gets used").
If you look at my technological profile, you will find the following.
5 actively used Email accounts
3 active XBoxLive gamertags
3 active blogs
2 Skype accounts
1 Facebook Profile, 1 Facebook web page (please become a fan at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/RiderNet/64314622325?ref=mf)
1 MySpace Page
1 Twitter account
1 Flickr account
0 Chance of survival if the whole Terminator thing pans out... (see "The Terminator", "Terminator 2: Judgement Day", 'Terminator 3: Rise of the machines", "Terminator 4: Salvation" (comes out this spring))
But in the meantime, we might as well take advantage of the time Technology has granted us, by using it's most powerful features against it. One way to do this, is by communication. And what better way to communicate then through the information highway itself.
"But Jon, what if I'm on the road?? Can I use that RiderNet thing that sounds so awesome?"
YES! That is exactly what you use while on the road random commuter! Where did you hear about my wonderful product??
"Why Jon, I heard about it in a number of places, I was first directed by my favorite blog at http://myjobinmotion.blogspot.com. After chuckling my way through this wildly entertaining and informative blog, I noticed a few links, one of my favorites being www.ridernet3.com/wifi-public-transit.asp. What was also SO great about this blog, is it led me to RiderNet's company EuroTech, where I learned about embedded systems here... www.eurotech-inc.com/embedded-vehicle-rated-power.asp."
Wow random commuter, that sure sounds like another shameless plug in order to get your links noticed by our favorite search engine, we'll call them "Gaggle," and yet, I still love you for saying it exactly how you did. Keep it up!
"You know Jon, I think I will."
And there you have it folks, just another example of a happy commuter, and even happier reader taking advantage of the technology that plans to some day render him no more useful then a battery (see "The Matrix")... Until next time...
Written on 10:49 AM by LissMee
Oh, wait, did I say(type) that outloud. I didn't mean to so boldly express that we [Eurotech/RiderNet] are awesome in such a plain way. That's my bad.
What I meant to say was, we are freaking awesome!
Don't believe me, check out the latest issue of Mass Transit magazine at http://www.masstransitmag.com/print/Mass-Transit/Maintenance-Matters/1$8135 where the maintenance Manager for Santa Cruz Metro (www.scmtd.com) talks about the success of the RiderNet unit that they helped pioneer. RiderNet details can be found at http://www.ridernet3.com/bus-coach-mobile-wifi-hotspot.asp with some of the cooler stuff found right here.
I think it's only fair that since Santa Cruz Metro was so nice to feature EuroTech in Mass Transit, that I should go do some free ride tests for them in Santa Cruz. I mean, I'd be willing to make the sacrifice and leave still blizzarding valley filled with car exhaust Utah, and suffer through the 80 degree Santa Cruz beaches I GUESS!
Les White from Santa Cruz is right though, what a way to improve the experience of riders everywhere, and at the same time, make it possible to turn commute time, into work time. Just think of how valuable that is to so many employers accross the country. I mean, currently, we have several private companies funding their employee's transportation directly. Providing their employees with the buses they need to get to and from work, and fitting them with WiFi. Think of the jobs that are created by doing this! If one company adds a transportation system of their own, they go to bid at a bus manufacturer who then has to build more buses. The company has to add a transportation division to their Job Postings, that division includes dispatch, administration, management, drivers, etc... Then they add WiFi to their buses, and people are no longer leaving their homes at 5:30 in the morning because their work day starts at 8:00. They can leave later to go to work, because once they are on the bus, they are AT work! Think of the money this saves all while creating new jobs!!! Come on Barack, make it manditory! There was an article recently where you (you meaning Barack, because he reads my blogs...) said you wanted everyone everywhere to be connected. What better way!? I mean, I suppose since I'm in a generous mood, that I'd be willing to stop by the ol' White House after I leave Santa Cruz, for some dinner and a heart-to-heart with the leader of the free world to discuss the exponential growth possiblities of our unit that will simultaneously bring the economy back to the front of the world line I GUESS!
Yikes, kinda got lost in my own excitement there... Clearly, you must see by now the validity of my opening statement. EuroTech, RiderNet, and of course Santa Cruz Metro, are ALL freaking awesome!
Well, all that being said, still no challenge.. I'm getting a big head over this guys, no one wants to face me, it's cool, you're scared... whatever, I know, it's cool, don't worry about it, really.. "welp" see ya later....
Written on 10:11 AM by LissMee
In my younger days, I had the opportunity to frequent something of a mansion up Emmigration Canyon in Utah. This place was amazing, I mean, the movie room was not just a room with an extra couch and a big screen. I'm talkin 300 inches, 4 level seeting, and track lighting just like at the movies. There was even a small "snack center." I could practically do laps around the home gym for crying out loud. I even heard a story about the architect who built the house. When the builders were looking over the blue prints, they looked at her and jokingly asked, "Where's the Sauna?" As the builders laughed to themselves in admiration of their own cleverness, the architect literally pulled out a pencil, and drew in the Sauna on the spot. It was next to the room with the tanning bed, and it was awesome.
I'm telling you this because I feel like the Private company, we'll call them 'GB's', who supplies the shuttle's for we'll call them "YeeHaw!" and "Gaggle," along with many other high profile clients, must have known this architect. Remember that time I told you about when I was "stuck" on a bus at 3:00AM (you should, I told you yesterday)... Well, I think when the owner went to the manufacturer with his drawings of the coaches I was "stuck" on, the Manufacturer must have jokingly asked, "Where's the WiFi?" Next thing I know, I'm on the "superbus" installing another RiderNet on 'GB's' coaches. I can only assume they chose RiderNet, because well, they only want the best. Visit http://www.ridernet3.com/bus-coach-mobile-wifi-hotspot.asp to find out what sets us apart.
Now that your back from your riviting visit of our RiderNet website, let me tell you what it was like riding one of these bad boys. Typically, "ride tests" would be considered the less "glamorous" portion of my job. Hopping on a bus, and riding the same route for like, 8 hours straight. But man, if 'GB's'buses were my office/home/bed/living room/whatever, I'd be set. Leather reclining bucket seats, Tables, Drink holders, Seatbelts (don't see them on buses often, think about it), an individual outlet per seat, Direct TV, a DVD/CD player, GPS, Restrooms, Trash recepticles, and of course WiFi. It should also be noted that "GB's" won the UMA's green award with their "Intelligent Transportation" style coaches.
So to make a long story short (still kinda long, I know), while on those buses, this "slumdog*" felt like a "millionaire**"
* Please note that I am referencing the term "slumdog," in jest, I'm not an actual "slumdog."
** Please not that I am referencing the term "millionaire" because I covet their lifestyle, I am not an actual "millionaire."
Well, that's all on 'GB's' for now, and yet another day went by without a comment, so you'll have to survive a little longer without knowing whether I'm up to my own challenge. In the meantime, I'll just go ahead and assume it's because the awesomeness of my first poetic expression scared you all commentless.
Until next time...
Written on 3:46 PM by LissMee
So there I was, not 100 yards from the San Francisco Bay, with the Oakland Bay bridge towering over the water to the south. Alcatraz looming a little to the north. I could practically smell the famous Clam Chowder Breadbowls from Fisherman's Warf just a few blocks away. Yup, there I was, at 3:00AM, on a bus, doing yet another install in San Fran'.
Did I know I would be splicing wires and turning regular power cables into cigarette lighter power adapters on MCI's (Those are types of buses) in the wee hours of the morning the day I signed the acceptance letter? Not exactly (No). The real question is was it productive AND enjoyable at the same time? Yes!
Not only was I with my favorite boss, we'll call him "Mr. Bart," but I learned a thing or two (or a thousand...) along the way. Probably the most important thing I learned, is that our RiderNet unit is not only a comprehensive solution built to make the life of the End-User that much more manageable, but that it is truly built for these Buses and Shuttles. More specifically on this trip, I learned about its wiring. I literally new nothing about wires except that I was pretty sure I shouldn't touch them. But this, this was easy. This unit is built to be configured to the outlay of a vehicle. It's built for things that move. Potential clients and customers needent be afraid of possible maintenance and/or installation issues that may come up, as they are truly guided by the unit itself. If a laman like me (ask Mr. Bart for confirmation on this) can figure it out, Agencies around the globe can find comfort that their buses will not be disfigured and derrainged for the simple need of WiFi. We can put this on anything!
I also had the opportunity to work directly with one of the largest search engine companies on the planet (not the one you just thought of, but the other one). We'll call them YeeHaw! until I know it's ok to do otherwise. YeeHaw! was most professional and advanced. They are also one of the "greenest" companies I have had the pleasure of encountering. This became most apparent to me as I finished my 128th ounce of Pepsi and went looking for a trash can... a "can" couldn't be further from what I found outside each of their campus buildings. Mr. Bart waited patiently as I worked my way through how to get my empty Big Gulp into the, I kid you not, Solar Powered Trash & Recycle Compactor... I mean really??? I think further down the list than the kid who said, "I wanna put WiFi on buses when I grow up," was the "I wanna recycle the sun ,throw away my crap, and smush it all into one big ball ALL AT THE SAME TIME when I grow up.." kid. Never-the-less, I found myself very impressed with YeeHaw!
Just as impressive was the local Private Transit agency who supplied "YeeHaw!" with these shuttles, more on them tomorrow. For now, a shout out to the rest of you at EuroTech. Want to know what else they offer, check out www.eurotech-inc.com.
This is where I'd accept the challenge (Check my first post, "My Job In Motion," if you don't know what I'm talking about). Unfortunately, no one's had the guts to test me.
Until next time...
Written on 4:05 PM by LissMee
First and foremost, let's just call this what it is... A shameless plug of my product with what I hope to be some entertaining aspects mixed in.
What do I mean, "My Job In Motion?" I work for EuroTech Inc, and although my job title changes like the weather, my goal remains constant. I want YOU to be reading this on your way to and from work or school. No, I'm not some misguided teenage advocate of "blogdriving..." Rather, I hope to see you reading this as you are enjoying the public transit bus or train taking you where you need to go.
"But Jon (that's me by the way), how can I do that?"
I'm glad you asked random commuter. You do it with RiderNet.
"RiderNet, that's sounds cool, tell me more..."
RiderNet is a rugged Mobile Access Point designed to provide broadband internet access to any rider on that Vehicle. I say rugged because it is not just another piece of plastic with an antenna. It's built to last, with a Hi-Gain Rugged antenna that gathers both a Cell and GPS signal. What more detail on the unit? Find out more at http://www.eurotech-inc.com/.
Alright, enough of a "sales pitch (for now)," this blog is really about taking you on the jouney that is my job in motion. You see, my job consists, of sales, marketing, support, installation, engineering, and lunch on Tuesdays (Just kidding, I get lunch on Wednesdays too). I also do a lot of ride testing in my travels, where I work while on the buses I'm testing using the very unit I am testing, cool eh? Because of this broad spectrum of work, I tend to travel fairly often. I want to take you with me, because well, I need the company, and it gives me something to do on the plane.
I also want to fill you in on what is going on in the field of communication and transportation all around the country, and what I am doing to stay involved. I invite any and all readers to ask questions, provide feedback, or direct me to your local public transit agency because YOU want this WiFi on YOUR commute.
I'll do my best to keep it fun, and informative. To help keep it fun, when you post a comment, post the "letter test" that blogspot makes you do just to make a post, i.e. "earkstat," and I will pick my favorite one each day (When I start to get at least one comment in a day) and write a poem that involves that letter set, and the world of transportation communication. Come on, you know you want to test me.
To start, I'll use the example (a test I had to type on one of my recent posts) above "earkstat."
EuroTech Already Realizes Killing Service Totally Abolishes Trust (do you see it)
This is really good news
Since we have riders all over
I mean they're spread out from L.A.
to north east of Dover (that's in Delaware)
If we kill their service
Their trust will be gone
All our users will leave us
and our competitors will have won
Thank goodness for EuroTech
and the strength of RiderNet
Competition Shmompetition
This ball's in the net
Come on, I made that up on the spot, test me, I dare you. And remember, you can find out more about RiderNet specifically at